Konstante Qualität - Leitrechner.jpg
Constant quality for your processes

Product functionality is the foundation. But only with our capability to meet tight specifications even with complex formulations do we enable you to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in your work procedures. Early investment in the optimisation of our own processes, embedded in a transparent quality organisation based on DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, and a culture of Total Quality Management are reasons for to Wakol's leading position.

Increase the efficiency in logistics and supply

Our central computer controlled production ensures not only the highest level of process control, but also a maximum of flexibility in time and packaging. While not every wish can be fulfilled, we can guarantee you optimal goods supply. Improvements in this field always pay off: we're glad to implement them for you and together with you.

High demand associates you with a powerful technological partner

Sustainable economic success requires one thing above all: making a difference. And that's what your customers want and perceive. Without your consistent demands on quality and on the efficiency of your processes, in brief on the results of your work, you can't offer this difference. Intelligently employed adhesive and sealing compound technology affords numerous ways to make this difference. The demand we place on ourselves is to help you make this difference with our product systems and our expertise.

Teil eines systematischen Innovationsprozesses sein

Mehr als 15 % unserer Beschäftigten sind hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter in Entwicklung und Anwendungstechnik. Kontinuierlich hohe Investitionen in Equipment, Prüfung und Zusammenarbeit mit externen Experten sorgen für höchste Effizienz und Flexibilität. Ein methodengestützter Innovationsprozess und ein enger Dialog mit Ihnen sorgen dafür, dass sich die Anforderungen der Vorreiter einer Branche frühzeitig und greifbar in unseren Branchenprogrammen niederschlagen.

Join us in assuming responsibility for our environment

Quality of the environment is part of product quality. Active processor and end consumer protection, protective handling of natural resources, foresighted implementation of measures in occupational and environmental safety always guide our actions. The priority we set in this regard forms a bond with you: transparent and open information is part of our consulting service.